Unearth the Diamond within.

Stop waiting, start shining

Unearth the Diamond within. Stop waiting,

start shining

Living in the shadows is not your TRUTH

My mission is to help bridge the gap between business and heart-led ambitions giving the intuitive entrepreneur the confidence to KNOW, they can run a successful and sustainable business without compromising their integrity or values.

I'm here to help you FIND your voice in life AND business

I had no-one. So let me be that someone for you.

The vision that I have for the work I do is that in time, I hope we have a world where the heart-led, intuitive entrepreneur is recognized as a valuable asset to the world of business and rightfully takes its place in being seen as something that truly enhances the level of service an individual can get when it comes to flourishing in their own lives, knowing they're operating and firing from all 4 cylinders that are mental, emotional, spiritual and physical.

Without judgement, without fear.

Buckso, is a Mentor/Coach, Actor/Speaker not to mention Energy Healer who specializes in helping the heart-led business owner to develop powerful and effective messaging strategies that resonate with their target audience.

She understands that in order to attract the right clients, it is essential to communicate in a way that is both authentic and compelling. In addition to her expertise in being SEEN and HEARD, she also has a deep understanding of energy work and is able to help her clients identify and remove any blocks that are preventing them from moving forward in their business.

Through her intuitive guidance and support, Buckso helps her clients to achieve their goals and create successful, sustainable fulfilling businesses that align with their core values and beliefs, without compromising their integrity.

Buckso, is a mentor and coach who specializes in helping spiritual entrepreneurs to develop powerful and effective messaging strategies that resonate with their target audience.

She understands that in order to attract the right clients, it is essential to communicate in a way that is both authentic and compelling. In addition to her expertise in being SEEN and HEARD, she also has a deep understanding of energy work and is able to help her clients identify and remove any blocks that are preventing them from moving forward in their business.

Through her Intuitive guidance and support, Buckso helps her clients to achieve their goals and create successful, sustainable fulfilling businesses that align with their spiritual values and beliefs, without compromising their integrity.


We do this in 121 VIP Immersive days where we will:


on the key areas that need immediate attention ( as the discovery call will have unearthed this)


and align your core values by intertwining them into your messaging to attract the right clients.


release all and any blocks that your consciousness is ready to let go of through a mix of meditations and healing modalities that Buckso uses.



your future self, through knowing thy self, we will move your mindset and frequency closer to the future version of yourself that you see, ON the day.


We do this in 121 VIP Immersive days where we will:


on the key areas that need immediate attention ( as the discovery call will have unearthed this)


and align your core values by intertwining them into your messaging to attract the right clients.


release all and any blocks that your consciousness is ready to let go of through a mix of meditations and healing modalities that Buckso uses.


of your future self, through knowing thy self, we will move your mindset and frequency closer to the future version of yourself that you see, ON the day.

In turn you will feel:

  • More clarity on the direction you're taking

  • Much lighter in your energy body and mind.

  • A renewed sense of vigor and excitement for the future.

  • An inner peace and deep connection to your higher self.

  • More committed to your personal journey.

  • Ready for the changes ahead, no longer controlled by fear.

In turn you will feel:

  • More clarity on the direction you're taking

  • Much lighter in your energy body and mind.

  • A renewed sense of vigor and excitement for the future.

  • An inner peace and deep connection to your higher self.

  • More committed to your personal journey.

  • Ready for the changes ahead, no longer controlled by fear.

I am so grateful for the session I had with Buckso. It gave me so much clarity and insight both in new traumas and in old generational traumas and gave me new declarations that I had no idea about that I needed but it felt like a missing piece in my life. Before I had my session with her I felt lost. She gave me the clarity I needed to take the next step.

I love Buckso’s voice. It is so calming and she made me feel safe and supported. Thank you so much for this lifechanging session.

I can highly recommend Buckso.

Tone Evebø

My Quantum Holographic Echo Healing session with Buckso was incredibly powerful. She was able to pinpoint exactly the areas I needed and was ready to heal and release, and held such a supportive space for doing so. The way she conducts the session is very powerful, and I left feeling more solid, grounded, and empowered. The session brought up beliefs that were so deeply buried in my subconscious I didn't even remember them until they came to me in the moment. Buckso also sent me a photograph of the cards pulled and intuitive directions for aftercare. I will definitely be booking another session!

Alyssa Elliott

Buckso took me through the E4 trauma healing method with empathy and compassion.

She is an amazing lady and only one session with her gave me some amazing insights into why I am the way I am and how limiting beliefs have held me back. She gave me some great tips on helpful practices going forwards and I'm truly thankful to this lady for showing me that a whole new mindset is possible.

Thank you so much Buckso you're amazing!

Charlotte Pearson

2024 © Buckso Dhillon-Woolley